Last year I turned 70! Though my energy has never been better, I must admit that crossing this threshold has made me pause.

What threshold have you recently crossed?

  • Have you or your partner entered a new decade?
  • Perhaps one of you has encountered an ‘age-related’ health issue, and it’s affecting your sexual intimacy.
  • Maybe you’ve finally left your high-paying job to follow the true calling of your heart, and it’s hard to adjust to your new-found freedom.
  • You’ve become very aware that your time on this precious planet is running out.

How do you navigate this next year – and chapter of your life – with grace, courage, compassion, and humility?

Do you wonder if it’s possible to stay vital and turned on by life as the body goes through its inevitable changes?

My emphatic answer is “YES”!!

Over and over, my clients are sharing that as they learn to live in alignment with their Human Design, there’s a sense of ease, flow, and rightness with life’s changes. They are more authentic and feel more alive, regardless of what’s happening with the body.

However, when we swerve from alignment with our design, we slip back into what Human Design founder Ra Uru Hu calls the conditioned ‘not self.’ This reverting back depletes our energy, accelerates the aging process, and makes us feel dried up and ‘old.’

The good news is, even if you’re not consciously aware of those conditioned beliefs or behaviors that keep you from being yourself, simply following the strategy for your type and your authority gradually unravels your conditioning and brings you back into alignment!

According to the Oxford Dictionary, conditioning is a “process of training or accustoming a person
(or animal) to behave in a certain way or to accept certain circumstances.”

I prefer to say that conditioning is a set of adaptive beliefs and strategies we take on, usually in childhood,
in order to survive challenging circumstances. Though they serve brilliantly at the time,
they can become embedded in our unconscious and continue to play out as we move
into adulthood – even though they’re no longer useful.

Conditioning smothers the juicy aliveness of who we are and our capacity to be real
and connectable with others,
especially our beloved.

Many of us manage to live our conditioned ‘not self’ for years, even decades. We may even achieve some measure of success in the world. And yet, beneath the appearance of ‘okay-ness’ lurks a sense of something missing, a feeling of deadness, exhaustion, boredom, and a heaviness in our hearts. There can be a sense of profound disconnection from ourselves – and those we love.

Eventually, when we aren’t in alignment with our true nature, as Pali Summerlin says, “the body takes the hit.” Especially when we enter our fifties or sixties or older.

Trust me, I know!

I spent the first 50 years of my life trying to be a Human Design Manifesting Generator and became the queen of burnout.

In other words, when I tried to be who and what I was not, my body would collapse.

Discovering I’m a Projector was a shock – and it totally changed my life. For the past 8 years I’ve come into alignment with who I was born to be, and layer upon layer of conditioning has unwound. Now, though older, I am experiencing more vitality, juiciness, and joy than when I was younger.

I’m even a little excited about the final journey that awaits me!

Are you curious to learn how Human Design might help you —

  • Experience the ease and joy of being your Self, regardless of your age?
  • Bring relief to what ails your body?
  • Re-ignite your juicy aliveness and turn on?
  • Free yourself from years of conditioning?
  • Move through your fears, especially those around aging and dying?

If your answer is ‘yes’ to any of these, please email me to schedule a complimentary consultation.