Have you ever found yourself saying, “I know I need to make a change, I can feel it pushing on me – but I don’t know exactly what it is?”

That has been a recurring theme running in me for the past three+ years! I knew something new was forming inside me, but I couldn’t really visualize, let alone articulate it. I thought it was just about my business. Well, I should have known… as I often tell my clients, a desire for change in one area of your life usually means a deeper shift is coming that will change everything!

Well…… it’s happening. After a very long and prolonged pregnancy, I am giving birth to a whole new website with a new and electrifying message: Ignite Your Joy! But first, before I introduce you to my baby, a little about the process that led up to its creation.

Three years ago I attended an event on Spirituality and Sexuality, which on the surface, seemed enticing, and relatively benign. Who would have thought that one month later I would begin a wellness sexuality practice where I allowed my genitals to be stoked by a partner! Who would have known that the energy I began to generate from doing that practice – the energy of Orgasm – would bring me pleasure I never knew was possible, turn back on my waning sex life, and super charge my vitality!

A year later I was introduced to Human Design – and my life turned another corner. As many of you know, I have been using the Enneagram for years as a fantastic tool for clients’ self discovery, and more specifically, as a map for business leaders to improve communication and resolve conflict.

Human Design is also a cutting-edge personality assessment tool, and for me, even more accurate and engaging than the Enneagram. Every single time I give a reading, the receiver feels totally seen – sometimes for the first time in their life.

Discovering my own Human Design type – and my unique life strategy – was revelatory. When I started to follow my strategy, my vision cleared, and my new brand and website emerged.

My website – and particularly my logo – convey my rebirth. I feel like I’m rising like a Phoenix from decades of experience as a healer, coach, student, facilitator and traveler though the ups and downs of life. My heart is open, my sexual vitality is stronger than ever – and I am ignited. My passion is to be fully myself – a facilitator for transformation and joy.

This website is full of resources that will show you how to alchemize your particular life challenges into a pure love, brilliance, and success beyond anything you have imagined. It offers you a powerful and effective method designed to Ignite Your Joy. And it’s turned on!

I invite you to read, explore, and enjoy my gift to you.

