Salsa dancers

Salsa dancers

How long has it been since you and your partner went out on a date or did something really fun? Sometimes the down side of creating a wonderful life together is that you’re so busy managing it that you don’t have time to enjoy it.

One of my clients had two young children, a dog, two rabbits, a thriving business, aging parents – and a devoted husband! According to her Human Design chart, as a Manifesting Generator she excels at working on many projects at one time. She also is genetically programmed to be super responsible and busy, busy, busy. She was quite happy keeping busy all the time – taking the kids to school, leading a webinar, coaching a client, or driving her mother to a doctor’s appointment. 

Her husband, however, has a different genetic makeup: He likes to work hard, and then rest – and connect with his wife. At the end of the day when she finally collapsed into bed with him, he was ready to be intimate, and she just wanted to go to sleep.

In our work together they realized that though their love was strong, they weren’t playing together! He felt frustrated and she felt guilty – and the sexual spark between them was going out.

The question was – what could they do together that would fulfill her desire to be active and his desire to connect? They decided to try Salsa dancing. And……. they discovered that Salsa is very, very hot! Now after they come home from their weekly dance date, they can’t wait to jump into bed and play under the sheets!

When is the last time you played with your partner? If it’s been a while, what are you going to do about it?