Did you get to read the last post, Do you ever feel stuck?

If you did, and asked yourself the question posed at the end, perhaps you’re wondering… “Even if I uncover what I desire, HOW can I possibly make it happen, especially now?” Maybe logic argues “Life is working okay for me, so WHY should I shake things up?”

On/Off Switch

So I ask you again, Do you want to stay with what you know and just make it through the rest of your life, or… Do you want this next stage of your life to be the fullest expression of your unique and glorious self?

NOW is the time to integrate the gifts of all your life experiences, both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ and ENJOY the harvest! Are you ready to move from ‘stuckness’ into joy? As you are a unique being, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to help you get unstuck. However, in my experience guiding hundreds of clients, these steps have been consistently helpful.

Recognize That You’re Stuck!

  • Physical signs:
    Tiredness verging on exhaustion, chronic back pain or other physical challenges, low libido, no energy to try anything new.
  • Emotional indicators:
    Feeling blah, complacent, bored, or depressed. You can’t remember the last time you felt happy.
  • Limiting thoughts:
    Are you judging yourself and your body? What are the stories you’re telling yourself about your situation? What you tell yourself directly impacts your energy. Judgment especially will dig you deeper into the hole of stuckness.

Take Steps To Get Unstuck!

  • For starters:
    Let go of disapproving yourself for feeling stuck.
  • Do something pleasurable:
    Go to a spa, take a walk on the beach, go for a hike – eat something delicious. If you have to do something that’s not pleasurable (like pay bills), dance while you do it.
  • Shake up your routine:
    Shop at a different grocery store, take a new route home, sleep on the other side of the bed, have breakfast for dinner, call a friend instead of watching TV….. You get the idea!
  • Change your mindset:
    If you catch yourself judging, pause, and notice how that feels. If what you’re telling yourself makes you feel bad, it’s probably not true! Try on another kinder thought – and see how that feels. Changing how you think will change how you feel, and free up your energy!
  • Learn your Human Design type, and follow your strategy:
    Human Design is an exquisite system that reveals your unique gifts and talents, and how to effortlessly live them. There are five Human Design types, and each has its own strategy. When you start to practice your strategy, your life starts to flow. You no longer feel like you’re struggling against stuckness.

Click Here To Get Your FREE Human Design Chart

Remember that you’ve spent your whole life creating patterns that keep you stuck, so it may take some time to undo them! Be curious and patient, and don’t judge yourself if you sometimes slip backwards. If you want support from someone who has experience navigating out of the stuckness into joy, feel free to contact me.