Linda Landon

Linda Landon

My name is Linda Landon. I believe we all have a unique spark within us that is dying to come out and express itself, regardless of our age. This spark of vitality is designed to burn brightly until the moment we leave the planet.

My passion is to help you recover and ignite who your truly are so you can live the passionate, purposeful and joyful life that is your birthright.

Clients come to me complaining that they are exhausted: They dread going to work, they get sick a lot, their business feels stuck, and they don’t have the bandwidth to even address the deadness in their relationship.

These people range from business executives, to couples with children, to professionals who work in the field of addiction recovery, to people in their mid 50’s going through a major life transition. What they all have in common is that they have lost their turn on, and they can’t find the ignition switch.

Underneath all these complaints is an underlying fear: “I’m getting old!”

Imagine how it would be if you worked with someone who has been there and come out the other side. I invite you to consider hiring me as your guide.

President of Linda Landon & Associates, LLC, I am an International Coach Federation certified business coach, trained recovery coach, Human Design Specialist, Deep Coaching facilitator, Somatic practitioner, Certified Orgasmic Meditation (OM) Trainer, and experienced seminar leader. I am the author of The Power of Pause: simple meditations for complicated lives, and I practice and teach a Wellness Sexuality Practice to individuals and couples.

I have run my own business since 1984, traveled around the country teaching the Release Technique and presenting to audiences up to 500 people, and worked with 100’s of clients worldwide. I have healed the exhaustion and physical burnout that came from not following my Human Design strategy, overcome the trauma of sexual molestation and my mother’s suicide, and been in recovery from addiction and codependency for over 30 years.

I have had the good fortune to train with dozens of master teachers and teachings ranging from five kinds of meditation, to energy healing, various forms of bodywork, somatic therapy, the Release Technique, The Four Agreements with don Miguel Ruiz, The Enneagram, the Work of Byron Katie, to four coach training programs. For the last ten years I’ve studied Diamond Logos, a method of self-inquiry that liberates us from identification with ego and personality so we can reside in the relaxed presence of Being and evolve our authentic self. I’m certified as a Trainer of Orgasmic Meditation (OM) and have developed a somatic practice to help couples re-ignite their intimate connection.

I have synthesized my trainings and life experience to create a powerful and effective approach that that is unprecedented, transformative, and overflowing with love. The Ignite Your Joy method teaches people how to alchemize their particular life challenges into a pure love, brilliance, and success beyond anything they have imagined.

  1. Human Design: We identify your unique genetic blueprint, your deepest desires, and your true life purpose.
  2. De-conditioning: You learn how to excavate and dissolve the programs that cover over your spark and prevent you from following your desires.
  3. Reset your direction: You set clear intentions in alignment with your unique design.
  4. Flow: Effortlessly move into actions that are fueled by your desire and uniquely designed to carry out your intention.
  5. Practice: Learn a Wellness Sexuality Practice and other mindfulness skills to cultivate your aliveness and power, and sustain your renewed vitality.

I invite you to sample my services and find out if they work for you.

When you work with you me, you can absolutely count on:

• Being received with 100% approval

• Feeling deeply heard, as I listen to what you are saying and not saying

• Getting to know and trust your innate intelligence

• Guidance to call out and follow your desires

• Learning tools you can use on your own to deepen your self awareness and sustain your ignition

• A safe grounded presence to support our work together

• Honest and loving feedback

• Being reminded of your magnificence until you realize it for yourself